簡介:Jonas, a 40 something Parisian, is still desperately in love with his ex-girlfriend Léa. When he knocks on her door to confess his feelings and she tu
簡介:喬納森(安德魯·麥卡錫 Andrew McCarthy 飾)自稱是一名藝術家,可在外人的眼里,他不過就是一個從來沒有完成過一件像樣物品,亦沒有一份正式工作的無所事事的窮小子罷了。一次偶然中,喬納森以一個美女的形象為藍本制作了一個人體模型,模型的美艷和完美大大出乎了喬納森的意料,他將此當做他唯一一件成
簡介:Marley Morrison’s knockout debut feature is a sharply observed coming-of-age story that will make you wince and laugh in painful recognition of univer
簡介:It's a love story between a fashion blogger and a video game blogger. The beauty and the nerd. Katrina是一個當紅的時尚博客博主,而Fernando則是一個普通的游戲博主,兩人在一次時尚活動上偶然相遇